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Russian Forces Shocked! Hundreds of US Combat Vehicles Arrived in Ukraine

The Analyst (New Real Media)
Published on 30 Mar 2023 / In

Between January 24, 2022, and January 15, 2023, the US sent 250 Humvees and 200 M113 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine. The Bradleys have already been spotted in the Zaporizhzhia region in eastern Ukraine, according to reports from the Russian side. This means that President Biden fulfilled his promise to send 59 of these vehicles to Ukrainian forces. Although the Strykers were not spotted in the Ukrainian eastern plains, we can safely assume that they are also in the ranks of the Ukrainian motorized brigades, all 90 vehicles, as promised at the beginning of this year by the Biden administration.

Exceptional technological features of these vehicles. Their proven effectiveness in previous military actions, as well as their numbers (approximately 600 vehicles), will, without any doubt, be able to deal a serious blow to the Russian army, which still holds the occupied part of the Ukrainian territory in the east of the country.

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JamesRoss 1 year ago

What if sending all those assault armaments is for the Luciferian NWO takeover?

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